
The Top 5 Drivers of Burnout

By Jeff Moody / July 1, 2022 / Comments Off on The Top 5 Drivers of Burnout

    “The Top 5 Drivers of Burnout”      #1: Loss of Autonomy     I think of this is the loss of things that you can control yourself within yourself and within your local environment. Most of the studies show that loss of autonomy as a top driver of burnout.   #2: Loss…

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Go easy on yourself

Focus on the problem & Go Easy on Yourself

By Jeff Moody / June 10, 2022 / Comments Off on Focus on the problem & Go Easy on Yourself

  “What’s Your Problem?”   Burnout is a problem.  I’d like to be hard on the problem and easy on the person, easy on you. Because burnout is a result, not a cause. And so you have to treat the root causes of everything that’s happening around you to get burnout under control.   If…

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What is pushing your buttons?

By Jeff Moody / May 27, 2022 / Comments Off on What is pushing your buttons?

  “What is pushing your buttons?”   I have been very impacted recently by some of the leading experts on burnout.  One is Jennifer moss, she’s amazing. And the other one is Dr. Corrigan, who all have great content and I would definitely recommend that if you’re suffering from burnout.   I think a critical…

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How to find YOUR PURPOSE

By Jeff Moody / May 5, 2022 / Comments Off on How to find YOUR PURPOSE

  “How to find YOUR PURPOSE”      I posted a week or so ago on Instagram ( @jeffmoodymd )  about purpose. And the interesting thing was I got a lot of pretty heated pretty responses.  So I asked about what their purpose was, but then everyone was asking me what purpose was or how…

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the floor of your burnout

The Floor of your Burnout

By Jeff Moody / April 15, 2022 / Comments Off on The Floor of your Burnout

      “The floor of your burnout”       I think of the floor as the baseline of all past experiences. The experiences in your life and anything that has happened to you over the course your life that is positive or negative.     This can be all your family learnings, all…

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your burnout box

Your Burnout Box

By Jeff Moody / March 30, 2022 / Comments Off on Your Burnout Box

Your Burnout Box Let’s talk about your life and how it’s built.  Your life is a box, it’s a construct that you built around yourself that is in general helpful because it gives you guidance and support and protection. But it also can be constricting at times. And I think they’re that conceptually, there are…

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The Joy of the Second Lane!

By Jeff Moody / March 28, 2022 / Comments Off on The Joy of the Second Lane!

The Joy of the 2nd Lane   I grew up in Iowa, where the only time you thought about passing someone was if it was a slow-moving piece of farm equipment on a two-lane road. There was not a lot of urgency in life back then. I finished medical school and then move to Los…

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Use Time to overcome Burnout

By Jeff Moody / March 24, 2022 / Comments Off on Use Time to overcome Burnout

  “Use Time to Overcome Burnout”   I’m talking more just simply the portion of time, the way you deal with time so you can use it to beat burnout. What is one buzzword that people talk about?   Being Present!   I think a lot of people talk about being in the present moment. What…

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Reach your Goals this Year!

By Jeff Moody / March 17, 2022 / Comments Off on Reach your Goals this Year!

  “Reach your Goals this Year!”     Today, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Birthday! The reason I want to talk about birthdays today is that it’s an event that we all pursue or we use to mark time in our lives.    And the thing that I think is important about birthdays…

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New Habits for 2022: Journaling

By Jeff Moody / February 14, 2022 / Comments Off on New Habits for 2022: Journaling

“Journaling”     Journaling is a new habit that I’m picking up this year from one of my resolutions. It’s one of my new activities or habits for 2022.  The particular journal I like (“The Daily Stoic”)  is one about life and how you react to it.     Journaling for me is great because…

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