operating room

Lessons I've learned from cancer

Lessons I’ve learned from Cancer

By Jeff Moody / July 7, 2021 / Comments Off on Lessons I’ve learned from Cancer

  Lessons I’ve learned from Cancer   I’m starting a series talking about burnout recovery lessons that I’ve learned from cancer. We’ve had some significant cancer things going on in my family, and as far as you know, clearly no one would ever wish cancer on anyone but you know it’s part of life, I…

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EMR Tips For Burn Out

By Jeff Moody / April 28, 2021 / Comments Off on EMR Tips For Burn Out

  Electronic medical record HACKS to help reduce your burnout! Since 80% of physicians say they are using EMR and a 100% of those physicians claim it is a signaficant form of their burnout! SO what can you start doing? 1.) Learn as much as you can about short cuts. 2.) Use proximity cards for…

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Tips From The OR: Communication

By Jeff Moody / April 14, 2021 / Comments Off on Tips From The OR: Communication

Tips From The OR: Communication! Quick question: On a scale of 1-10 how well do you feel you communicate?? Did you know 50-70% of the dialogue we have is with ourselves? Did you know we have 30-50,000 thoughts per day? If that is a very positive dialogue, the internal communication you are having is very…

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Tips From The OR: Sleep!

By Jeff Moody / April 7, 2021 / Comments Off on Tips From The OR: Sleep!

Tips From The OR: Sleep! Clearly we want to have excellent sleep, consistently, for many reasons but especially when it comes to the operating room. Although we strive for it, we know sometimes that achieving it is not always the case. If you are in the medical world, I am sure you can relate to…

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Tips From The OR: Preparation

By Jeff Moody / March 31, 2021 / Comments Off on Tips From The OR: Preparation

TIPS FROM THE OR – PREPARATION I’m continuing on this topic because after 30 years in the OR, I feel like I have learned many lessons during my time in the operating room. Of course all aspects of medicine will provide learning in different aspects, but when it comes to the operating room, I feel…

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Anticipation in the OR

By Jeff Moody / March 24, 2021 / Comments Off on Anticipation in the OR

  The OR As a urologist, burnout specialist and an expert in helping people recover from burnout, you maybe wondering what does the OR (operating room) have to do with it managing burnout? Well, I believe the OR has been a significant area throughout my life where I have learned a lot about not only…

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