mental health


First Principles of Burnout

By Jeff Moody / December 9, 2020 / Comments Off on First Principles of Burnout

“First Principles of Burnout” Elon Musk is a smart guy, obviously, he thought a lot about spaceships and rockets and so the first principle for him was… Why can’t we have reusable rockets and boosters? So that’s what would radically bring the cost of spaceflight down for him. For example, he likened it to the…

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Med Students

Med Students & Burnout

By Jeff Moody / December 1, 2020 / Comments Off on Med Students & Burnout

“How Medical Students & Residents Avoid Burnout”   I think one of the giant drivers of burnout for medical students or residents, is the fact that this it is all external. You’re required to do X, Y and Z things in medical school. You’re  required as mandated to work __ number of hours as a…

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How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

By Jeff Moody / November 28, 2020 / Comments Off on How Gratitude Can Change Your Life

  The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude Be Grateful. You may say, “How can solving all my problems be that easy? I can recover from burnout by saying thanks enough? Just be grateful? I am grateful. I say thanks to my office staff at least once a month…But I am still burned out like crazy.” Being…

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How do we take care of the caretakers who are saving our lives?

By Jeff Moody / November 19, 2020 / Comments Off on How do we take care of the caretakers who are saving our lives?

How do we take care of the caretakers who are saving our lives?  -by Vince Bzdek      (Originally published in “The Gazette”) Dr. Jeff Moody, a urologist, at his home in Colorado Springs in April. Studies show burnout is very high for physicians, said Moody, “and it’s up another 20% to 30% since March”…

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How are you doing

How are you doing right now?

By Jeff Moody / November 11, 2020 / Comments Off on How are you doing right now?

“How you doin’?” ~Joey Tribbiani, Friends How are YOU doing right now?  Joey may have had ulterior motives when he posed this question to others, but did have his interest and intention at heart. When you are having a bad day, wouldn’t it be awesome to have someone with the heart and interest of Joey…

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