Coping with Stress: Workplace Tips

“It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” ~Hans Selye

Pop quiz. Which of these do you agree with?

  1. Intelligence is fixed at birth.
  2. Some people are creative, others aren’t.
  3. You can become a world-class expert through enough practice, whatever your starting point.
  4. You can change your personality.

If you agreed with the first two statements, you’re coming from a fixed mindset. If you agreed with the second two, you’ve got a growth mindset.

» So, what does growth mindset look like?

  Is it more job satisfaction, better relationships with family, better health, clients, or is it a combination of all of those things?

  I think the critical thing to know is, it’s not like it’s all gonna be rainbows and unicorns.

» How do I know how to get there?

  I know we are so busy being doctors, caring for others, that we rarely, if ever, stop to consider what we intend for our own lives. And, guess what?  If you do not stop, consider, plan and structure your life for your intentions, someone and usually everyone else will do it for you.

  Then, suddenly, you are 62 and wondering what the heck happened!  

→ How do I know when I’m better?

  Recovery is absolutely possible if burnout occurs. But first, in medicine, we want to define the problem. This helps us outline the scope of the problem, where we are, what the research says about appropriate therapy, and what our options are going forward. As a physician suffering from burnout, I wanted to know where I was and where I could go.

Once we know the possibilities, then we pursue action. I tell my patients that life is full of choices, and we have the power to choose a course of action.

On today’s video, I am sharing the action steps to move towards a life of intention by treating your burnout, and bringing your new ‘you’ into being.

If you’re looking for burnout answers, find them on my NEW live stream series, Burnout Breakthrough!  Watch on make you sure you and like my  Facebook page @JeffMoodyMD.

What did you think of this video training?

+ Leave a comment below and let me know what you struggle with and which tip made a difference for you.

+ Share this video with others so they can get the inside scoop.

Have a topic you’d like me to share tips about? I’d love to hear from you!

Jeff Moody, MD, Author
The Doctor is Burned Out: A Physician’s Guide to Recovery
Lioncrest Publishing, 2020





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